Insights from meeting with organizations in the US

MEVISIO, now in its fourth year, is going from strength to strength. We’ve gone from humble beginnings and uncertainties about whether organizations would be interested in our platform, to exciting times with demand and interest. From our bases in Vårgårda and Stockholm, Sweden, we are growing our portfolio of clients. These are great times at MEVISIO.

Over the past 12 months, we’ve talked to prospects and clients both locally and globally. We now have confirmation that leading companies in many industries are looking to digitize their daily management. The one thing every company and person we talk to have in common is: they want to use the data available to them in a better and more efficient way to optimize processes and, ultimately, grow their business.
Our Co-Founder, Mats Ljungqvist, spent last week in the United States visiting prospects and clients. The feedback was excellent, and we see massive potential in the North American market. We had great conversations and discussions about Lean Management, Smart Factories, and digitization in general. It is clear to us that Lean Management, and indeed the daily meetings, is practiced throughout many organizations. It is also clear that many Fortune-500 companies are looking at options for digitizing this, right now. Here, we address some of the questions raised last week.

Why use digital boards for daily management?
Our founders’ background is in Lean manufacturing in the automotive industry and as management consultants. MEVISIO was born out of the desire to improve the way companies work with Lean and daily meetings today. The MEVISIO platform is highly customizable, integrating with business and IT systems organizations are already using. By using digital boards, organizations have access to all their KPIs, data, and essential information to make informed decisions every day.

What are the advantages of digital boards?

The boards we build together with our clients are not just displaying data and information. Our integrations allow us to create a structure and hierarchy for each client to give organizations a complete overview of Key Performance Indicators, escalation of issues, goals, planning, and activities. Each team can have its own board, and each department can have a board where data from all teams are aggregated. This way, issues and trends can be identified earlier than before, making organizations more effective – and more profitable.

How are the boards created?

The MEVISIO boards are created to your specific requirements. Many clients decide to make the digital version of the board look as similar to the physical whiteboards to make the transition for all teams as smooth as possible.

There are three options for developing MEVISIO boards:

  • We develop them for you on a project basis
  • Your developers become Certified MEVISIO Board/Platform developers
  • A combination of the above
Have any questions

If you have any questions or want to learn more, why not book an online meeting with us to discuss your current situation and where you want to be. Click here to schedule a personal meeting

Original post can be found here

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